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IDD1507HD Print

1 monthly plan with 2 separate rates can cater 2 levels of quality service.

Options are at your finger tips! 

Call 2157 8822 for details and registration on IDD1507HD


IDD1507HDCharging Method


Ex 1: Redemption of Free Minutes onIDD1507HDService

         Entitle Free Minutes = 60 minutes

         Call duration  =  28 minutes

         Redemption duration  =  28 minutes X  2  =  56 minutes

         Free Minutes Redeemed = 56 minutes

         Remaining Free Minutes in account = 60 minutes – 56 minutes  =  4 minutes



Ex 2: Calculation Charge Minutes onIDD1507HDService

         Call duration  =  28 minutes

         Charge Calculation = 28 minutes X  2  X  Account’s IDD Rates



Ex 3: Calculation ofIDD1507HDService with both Free Minutes and Charge Minutes

          Entitle Free Minutes = 30 minutes

          Call duration  =  28 minutes

          Redemption duration  =  28 minutes X  2  = 56 minutes

          Free Minutes Redeemed  =  30 minutes

          Charge Minutes  =  56 minutes – 30 minutes  =  26 minutes

          Charge Calculation = 26 minutes X  Account’s IDD Rates




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